Home » Complaints
- Ray Gibson, RN
- Registry Supervisor
- Alabama Department of Public Health, Complaint Unit Supervisor
- Division of Healthcare Facilities
- P.O. Box 303017
- Montgomery, AL 36130-3017
- Phone: 334-206-5163
- Certification Bureau QAD – DPHHS
- P.O. Box 202953
- Helena, MT 59620-2953
- Phone: 406-444-2099
- Email: mtssad@mt.gov
- Sonia Lipker, Investigator
- Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development
- Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing
550 W 7th Avenue, Suite 1500 Anchorage, AK 99501
- Phone: 907-269-7646
- Fax: 907-269-8195
- Email: Sonia.lipker@alaska.gov
- Connie Wagner, RN, BSN
- Nursing Support Supervisor
- Division of Public Health, Licensure Unit
- Nursing and Nursing Support
- P. O. Box 94986
- Lincoln, NE 68509-4986
- Phone: 402-471-4969
- Fax: 402-742-1151
- Website: www.dhhs.ne.gov
- Arizona State Board of Nursing
- Complaints/Investigations
1740 W Adams Street, Suite 2000
- Phoenix, AZ 85007
- Phone: 602-771-7827
- Email: complaints@azbn.gov
- Website:www.azbn.gov
- Sam McCord, BSN, RN
- Nevada State Board of Nursing
5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Ste. 300 Reno, Nevada 89502-6576
- Phone: 888-590-6726
- Email: smccord@nsbn.state.nv.us
- Arkansas Department of Human Services
- P.O. Box 8059 Slot S405
- Little Rock, AR 72203-8059
- Phone: 501.320.6461
New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Board of Nursing
121 South Fruit Street, Suite 102 Concord, NH 03301-2431
- Phone: 603-271-8282
- Alternate Phone: 603-271-6604
- Fax: 603-271-6605
- Email: Board.Questions@nh.gov
- Website: www.oplc.nh.gov
- Department of Public Health
- Licensing & Certification Program
- Professional Certification Branch/Investigation Section
- P.O. Box 997416, MS 3303
- Sacramento, CA 95899-7416
- Abuse Hotline 916-492-8232
- Main Phone: 916-445-4423
- Email: cnamisconduct@cdph.ca.gov
New Jersey
- Office of Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly Department of Public Advocate
- P.O. Box 852
- Trenton, NJ 08625-0852
- Phone: 877-582-6995
- Website: www.nj.gov/ooie/
- New Jersey Department of Health
- Division of Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing
- Office of Program Compliance
- P.O. Box 368
- Trenton, NJ 08625-0367
- Phone: 609-984-8128
- State Board of Nursing
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350 Denver, CO 80202
- Phone: 303-894-2430
- Alternate Phone: 303-894-2458
- Fax: 303-894-2821
- Email:Dora_nursingboard@state.co.us
New Mexico
- DOH/DHI/Program Support Bureau
- Complaints Department
2040 S Pacheco Street, 2nd Floor, Room 202 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
- Phone: 505-476-9027
- Phone (toll-free in state): 800-752-8649
- Fax: 505-476-8977
- Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12 MQA Hartford, CT 06134-0308
- Phone: 860-509-7603 option #1
- Fax: 860-707-1983
- Email: dph.nurseaide@ct.gov
New York
- MaryJane Vogel, Director
- Bureau of Centralized Complaint Intake Program New York State
- Department of Health
875 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206
- Phone: 888-201-4563
North Carolina
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Division of Health Service Regulation
- Health Care Personnel Registry Investigations Branch
- 2719 Mail Service Center
- Raleigh, NC 27699-2719
- Phone: 919-855-3968
- Fax: 919-733-3207
North Dakota
- Bruce Pritschet
- Division of Health Facilities
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 301 Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
- Phone: 701-328-2352
- Email: CNARegistry@nd.gov
- (For Unlicensed Assisted Persons Only)
- North Dakota Board of Nursing
919 South 7th Street, Suite 504 Bismarck, ND 58504-5881
- Phone: 701-328-9788
- Fax: 701-328-9785
- James Hodge
- Bureau of Survey and Certification
- Ohio Department of Health
246 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215-2412
- Phone: 614-644-6220
- Email: James.Hodge@odh.ohio.gov
- Georgia Department of Community Health
- Healthcare Facility Regulation Division
- Long Term Care Section
2 Peachtree Street NW, 31st Floor Atlanta, GA 30303
- Phone: 800-878-6442
- Angie Stewart
- Oklahoma State Department of Health
- Office of General Counsel
1000 NE 10th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
- Phone: 405-271-6017
- Phone (after hours): 800-747-8419
- Website: www.health.ok.gov/program/nrsaid/index.html
- Marlene Carbullido, RN, MSN
- Executive Officer
- Guam Board of Nurse Examiners
194 Hernan Cortez Avenue, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam 96910
- Phone: 671-735-7412
- Fax: 671-734-7413
- Email: Marlene.Carbullido@dphss.guam.gov
- Oregon State Board of Nursing
17938 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Portland, OR 97224
- Phone: 971-673-0685
- Fax: 971-673-0684
- Department of Health (Medicare)
- Office of Health Care Assurance Medicare Section
601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room 395 Kapolei, Hawaii 96707
- Phone: 808-692-7420
- Department of Human Services (Adult Protective Services)
- Social Services Division
1390 Miller Street, Room 209 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
- Phone: 808-586-49970
- Pennsylvania Department of Health
- Division of Nursing Care Facilities
- Phone: 717-787-1816
- Fax: 717-772-2163
- Phone (Complaint Hotline): 800-254-5164
- Co-Supervisors of Long Term Care
- Division of Licensing and Certification
- Bureau of Facility Standards
- Department of Health and Welfare
- P.O. Box 83720
- Boise, ID 83720-0009
- Phone: 208-334-6626
- Fax: 208-364-1888
Rhode Island
- Rhode Island Department of Health
- Office of Health Professionals Regulation
3 Capitol Hill, Room 105 Providence, RI 02908-5097
- Phone: 401-222-5200
- Phone (After-Hours Emergency Number): 401-272-5952
- Illinois Department of Public Health
- Office of Health Care Regulations, LTC Field Operations
525 W. Jefferson St. Springfield, IL 62761
- Phone (24-hour hotline): 800-252-4343
South Carolina
- South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
- Complaint Program
2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201
- Phone: 803-545-4205
- Email: dennispl@dhec.sc.gov
- Janelyn Kulk, Director
- Indiana State Department of Health
- Division of Health Care Education and Quality
2 North Meridian Street, Section 4B Indianapolis, IN 46204
- Phone: 317-233-7480
- Fax: 317-233-7477
South Dakota
- Jana Doherty
- South Dakota Department of Health
615 East 4th St. Pierre, SD 57501
- Phone: 605-773-3497
- Fax: 605-773-6667
- Department of Inspections and Appeals
- Health Facilities Division
Lucas State Office Building 321 East 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319
- Phone: 515-281-4115
- Fax: 515-242-5022
- Office of Health Care Facilities
- Central Intake Unit
- Phone: 877-287-0010
- Office of Health Care Facilities
- Phone: 615-741-7670
- Caryl Gill
- Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
New England Building 503 S. Kansas Ave. Topeka, KS 66603
- Phone: 785-296-4986
- Fax: 785-296-0256
- Email: kdads.wwwmail@ks.gov
- Website: kdads.ks.gov
- Health and Human Services Commission
- Consumer Rights and Services
- Mail Code E-240, P.O. Box 149030
- Austin, TX 78714-9030
- Phone (in state only): 800-458-9858
- Long Term Care Division
- Office of Inspector General
275 E. Main St., 5E-A Frankfort, KY 40621
- Phone: 502-564-7963 ext. 3291
- Fax: 502-564-6546
- Website: chfs.ky.gov/agencies/os/oig/dhc
- Utah Department of Human Services
- Division of Aging and Adult Services
- Phone: 800-371-7897
- Website: daas.utah.gov/
- Louisiana State Department of Health and Hospitals
- Health Standards Section
- Long Term Care Division
- P.O. Box 3767
- Baton Rouge, LA 70821 – 3767
- Phone (Long Term Care Complaint Hotline): 888-810-1819
- Fax: 225-342-5073
- Adult Protective Services
- Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
- Division of Licensing and Protection
HC 2 South, 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671-2060
- Phone: 800-564-1612
- Other Related Complaints:
- Vermont State Board of Nursing
- Phone: 802-828-2396
- Department of Health & Human Services
- Division of Licensing & Regulatory Services
State House Station #11 41 Anthony Avenue Augusta, Maine 04333
- Phone: 800-383-2441
- Virginia Department of Health Professions Enforcement Division
- Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463
- Phone: 800-533-1560
- Alternate Phone: 804-367-4691
- Fax: 804-527-4424
- Email: enfcomplaints@dhp.virginia.gov
Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure
P.O. Box 304247, Veterans Drive Station St. Thomas, VI 00803
- Phone: 340-776-7397
- Fax: 340-777-4003
- Website: www.thevibnl.org/
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health Health Care Safety and Quality
99 Chauncy Street Boston, MA 02111
- Phone: 617-753-8000
- Loida Baniqued, Field Manager
- Resident & Client Protection Program
- Aging & Disability Services Administration Residential Care Services Division
- P.O. Box 45600
Olympia, WA 98504-5600
- Phone: 360-725-3218
- Fax: 360-725-3208
- Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
- Bureau of Community and Health Systems
- P.O. Box 30664 Lansing, MI 48909
- Phone: 517-284-8961
West Virginia
- West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services
- Office of Health Facilities, Licensure and Certification
408 Leon Sullivan Way Charleston, WV 25301-1713
- Phone: 304-558-0050
- Fax: 304-558-2515
- Website: ohflac.wvdhhr.org/
- Office of Health Facility Complaints
85 East 7th Place, Suite 220
- P.O. Box 64970
- St. Paul, MN 55164-0970
- Phone: 651-201-4201
- Alternate Phone: 800-369-7994
- Email: Health.ohfc-complaints@state.mn.us
- Complaint Unit
- Mississippi State Department of Health
- Bureau of Health Facilities
- Licensure and Certification
- P.O. Box 1700
- Jackson, MS 39215-1700
- Phone: 601-364-1100
- Website: www.msdh.state.ms.us
- Wyoming State Board of Nursing
130 Hobbs Avenue, Suite B Cheyenne, WY 82002
- Phone: 307-777-7601
- Fax: 307-777-3519
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
- P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
- Elder Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 800-392-0210